General Knowledge (EN)

Kapil Dev to Kalidasa: Names and Nicknames

Names and Nicknames

Know nicknames of famous personalities from India and around the world?

Joan of Arc

1 / 20

Sahitya Samrat?

2 / 20

Frontier Gandhi?

3 / 20

Sage of Kanchi?

4 / 20

Mysore Tiger?

5 / 20

Little Master?

6 / 20

Machiavelli of India?

7 / 20

Andhra Kesari?

8 / 20

Flying Sikh?

9 / 20

Adi Kavi?

10 / 20

Parrot of India?

11 / 20

Bird man of India?

12 / 20


13 / 20

Patriot of Patriots?

14 / 20

Deen bandhu?

15 / 20

Martin Luther of India?

16 / 20

Shakespeare of India?

17 / 20

Bengali Tiger?

18 / 20

Indian Einstein?

19 / 20

Scourage of God?

20 / 20

Desh Ratna?

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